Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival Band

Annual Jazz Concert

Each year at the end of January, 音乐系举办一年一度的MG冰球突破试玩爵士音乐节,吸引了数百名来自该地区的学生来到校园. Over the years, 我们的乐团曾与世界知名的客座艺术家同台演出, including Jeff Coffin, Don Ellis, Jon Faddis, Kevin Mahogany, Tom "Bones" Malone, Bob Mintzer, Terrell Stafford, Nestor Torez, Bill Watrous, Kenny Werner, and The New York Voices. 将艺术家带到校园,让我们的学生音乐家有机会与世界上最好的爵士表演者和教育家一起表演和学习.

MG冰球突破试玩爵士音乐节于1974年由Ernie Borr创立. 它已经成为MG冰球突破试玩音乐系和俾斯麦/曼丹社区的光荣传统. 我们诚邀市民出席任何一所参与学校的演出.

Annual Jazz Festival: January 26-27, 2024

Jazz Festival Performing Ensembles

每个乐团将在舞台上表演半个小时在我们的评委面前. After performing, 他们将搬到一个单独的房间,与指定的学生进行半小时的教育课程.

Equipment Provided

Instrument Group

MG冰球突破试玩音乐系提供以下设备:陷阱设置, piano, amps for guitar and bass, vibraphone, chairs, and stands. (larger groups may need to share stands for more than one student)

Vocal Group

MG冰球突破试玩音乐系提供以下设备:16个插件混音板, piano, cords for mics, trap set, and amps for guitar and bass.

Aimee Nolte

Aimee Nolte is a jazz pianist, vocalist, 她是一名教育工作者,在YouTube上开设了广泛的频道, which boasts nearly a thousand educational and entertaining videos! 作为一名临床医生和表演者,Aimee有超过27万的订阅者. 她刚从田纳西州维克多·伍滕的理论营教书回来,很高兴能再次来到MG冰球突破试玩!

Scott Agster

Dr. Scott Agster has spent nearly 20 years in higher education, 曾担任麦克纳利史密斯音乐学院合奏系助理主任, 俄克拉荷马州东南州立大学的兼职教授, 同时也是康考迪亚大学低音铜管和爵士乐队的兼职教授. 除了在布雷克学校和橄榄山音乐学校提供私人铜管课程, he currently teaches Applied Low Brass, World Music, and Intro to Music Technology at Anoka Ramsey Community College; Applied Low Brass, Music Appreciation, and Music Theory at Augsburg University; and Improvisation and Jazz History at Normandale Community College. 

Adam Meckler

Adam Meckler is a trumpeter, composer, educator, and entrepreneur living in Michigan, 他是密歇根理工大学爵士研究中心主任. He is an Edwards Instrument Co. 表演艺术家和临床医生,并与Youngblood铜管乐队巡回演出和录音, Cory Wong, Dave Koz, Steve Cole, The Hornheads, Nooky Jones, and many others. Meckler's Adam Meckler Orchestra has released four albums to date, including their 2014 album When the Clouds Look Like This, which iTunes listed as one of the best jazz releases of 2014, and their 2018 album Magnificent Madness, which included collaborations with Hip Hop artists and soul singers. 梅克勒的音乐是“爵士大乐队令人激动的当代更新,既体现了梅克勒的音乐一代,又展示了他独特的视野(更不用说他娴熟的表现力的小号演奏)。”." - Evan Haga (Jazz Times)

Bob Peske

Robert T. "Bubba" Peske, a Christian guitarist born and raised in Bismarck, ND, has been a professional musician for over fifty years. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Guitar Performance & Instrumental Education from the U of Minnesota, Moorhead. 他在洛杉矶的音乐家技术学院(GIT)获得了技术吉他表演学位, CA, and a Master of Education from UND in Grand Forks, ND. 他在俾斯麦公立学校教书,教6 - 12年级的器乐. He was also an adjunct professor of guitar, music technologies, and secondary instrumental music education at the University of Mary. 他在俾斯麦的教学生涯中接待了多位学生教师(包括我们自己的博士. Brian Lydeen). During that time, 他在UMG冰球突破试玩爵士音乐节上演出了两次,并在蒙特勒爵士音乐节上作为UMG冰球突破试玩爵士乐队的客座艺术家演出, Switzerland. In 2001, 他从俾斯麦公立学校辞职,在慈善路德教会担任敬拜和音乐总监, Bismarck. In 2012, 他回到俾斯麦高中担任乐队指挥,直到2020年退休. He is a worship leader at Inspire Family Fellowship in Bismarck, ND. He and his wife Pam of 44 years have two wonderful sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and four marvelous grandchildren.

Greg Yasinitsky

Greg Yasinitsky, composer and saxophonist, 是美国作曲奖得主,也是美国国家艺术基金会的奖金获得者, The Commission Project, Artist Trust, and ASCAP. 他曾担任爵士乐教育网络全明星大乐队的作曲家和指挥, which included some of the most acclaimed musicians in the world, and has written music, especially for David Sanborn, Sean Jones, Clark Terry, Jeff Coffin, Dave Liebman and the USAF "Airmen of Note" big band. 亚西尼茨基出版了数百部音乐作品,在全球40多个国家演出, 他的作品和萨克斯演奏被收录在50多张唱片中. Yasinitsky has performed with Randy Brecker, Marcus Printup, Tom Harrell, Ed Calle, Alex Acuna, Kirk Whalum, Claudio Roditi, Conrad Herwig, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Louis Bellson, Stan Getz, Lionel Hampton, Lou Rawls, Manhattan Transfer, and many others. 亚西尼茨基是华盛顿州音乐教育家名人堂的成员,也是华盛顿州立大学的名誉教授, where he taught jazz studies, saxophone, and composition for 40 years, received the WSU Eminent Faculty Award, the Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Research, Scholarship, and Arts, 以及艺术与科学学院颁发的杰出教师奖. Yasinitsky is a Yamaha performing artist and a JodyJazz Artist.

Kirk Maracy

Kirk Marcy 是北科罗拉多大学的优等生吗. 1983年,他开始在华盛顿州柯克兰的华盛顿湖高中教书. 1987年,他加入了“新生四人”乐队,一边唱歌,一边弹奏键盘和铜管乐器. 1988年,柯克回到太平洋西北地区,成为埃德蒙兹学院唱诗班主任.
2008年,柯克入选华盛顿音乐教育家协会名人堂. 2013年,他因出色的教学获得埃德蒙兹学院的“卓越教育奖”. 柯克被选为2017年华盛顿校际活动协会的年度音乐教育家. 2024 marks his 36th year at the college. 

柯克曾荣幸地在15个州指挥全州合唱团,并担任2014年ACDA西北分部荣誉爵士合唱团的客座指挥. 他在美国和加拿大的合唱和声乐爵士音乐节上担任临床医生和裁判. Kirk has served as ACDA National Vocal Jazz Repertoire & 标准主席,并继续担任WMEA全州爵士合唱团的经理, a position he has held since 1990.
柯克的合唱和爵士作品和安排通过UNC爵士出版社出版, Walton, and Anchor Music Publications, and he recently formed his own publishing company, Kirk Marcy Music. 

The Jazz Festival Through the Ages

Have Questions?

Call the Music Department at 701-355-8301 or email us.